The Business will invoice the Client after completion of milestone(s) or the Project, unless otherwise noted in the Payment schedule. The Client agrees to pay invoice(s) by the due date(s) specified. Unpaid or overdue invoices may result in suspension or termination of the Project.
There is non-refundable deposit of 50% of the total service amount is required to confirm your appointment and the remaining amount must be paid in FULL by at the time of the service appointment.
If a client does not confirm their appointment (50% deposit confirms date), this will be treated as a late cancellation and deposit will be retained by Provider of Services.
Payment will be made to the Business via cash, cheque, an approved payment card, or by any other payment method determined by the Business.
All payments can be made by eTransfer to luna.v.artistry@gmail.com, by cash or through our portable Square machine, whichever is most convenient. **
**LATE PAYMENTS: All payments must be settled by the DAY OF SERVICE or Artist has the right to refuse the service. For every day past the payment due date, there will be a $40 PER DAY charge on top of the owing balance.
TRAVEL FEES: A $50.00 travel fee is mandatory for Surrey and area and added to any service. Additional or out of town fees will be discussed and agreed upon by both the Client and Provider. This will determine the total amount of Travel Fees to be charged as part of the service. This also includes any parking fees or parking tickets. Accommodation will also be provided by client for out of town OR overnight stays.
EARLY MORNING FEE: An early morning fee (before 8AM) of $65.00 will be added onto the total amount of the service agreed upon.
TRIALS: While trials are never mandatory, they are encouraged to make sure you are more than satisfied with your day of service! Trials can be added for $110.00 for Makeup.
a. Artist cannot be held accountable for any allergic or skin reactions the client may have to products following full consultation. 

b. Any photos taken by the Artist on the day of wedding/event can be used for promotional use on website, portfolio or social media unless otherwise agreed upon prior to event date.
